You're the Only One Page 11
“I’m going to my mom’s house. Why? Do you have plans? Do you want to come with me?”
“Actually,” Natasha said, giving me a sweet smile as she brought out a plate of lasagna, “I wanted to see if you’d come to Florida with me to meet my parents. I’ve told them all about you, and, well…it would mean a lot to me.”
She set the plate down in front of me, the smell of sauce and cheese making my mouth water. Natasha was such an amazing cook. She sat down in the chair beside me with her plate of spinach and quinoa, and watched as I took my first bite.
“I wish I could, but I promised my mom. I haven’t seen her since May.”
Natasha’s eyes dropped to her hands on the table, and she nodded. She was upset.
“Hey,” I said, reaching over to take her hand, “I’d be happy to meet them another time. We can make a trip down there. If you want to be together for Thanksgiving, you’re more than welcome to come to Maryland. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it sooner. I’ve been a little distracted lately. My mom has been anxious to meet you though.”
I nodded. “Oh, yeah. She can’t wait to meet the woman who finally snagged her wild son.”
Natasha laughed, and I kissed her cheek before taking another bite of lasagna.
“You aren’t wild. Well, maybe in the bedroom.”
I wiggled my eyebrows. “You have no idea. I used to get into all kinds of shit when I was a kid.”
“Like what?”
I shrugged. “Gangs, fights, vandalism—you know, the usual.”
Natasha’s mouth gaped open. “You’re joking.”
I chuckled at her expression. “Nope. I was a regular hoodlum back then.”
“What made you stop?” she asked, putting her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand.
“My brother.”
Natasha pulled her arm back into her lap. “Oh.”
“It’s okay, Natasha. I don’t mind talking about him. It still hurts to know he’s gone, but in all honesty, I think his death saved my life.”
“It took me a while, but I realized I needed to get my shit together for the both of us. I couldn’t let his death be in vain.”
“That’s beautiful, Dillon. You’re lucky you came to that realization before it was too late. So many people don’t.”
“Yeah, after he died, I stopped caring about anything. I was skipping school, failing all my classes, getting caught up in gangs. I was full of so much anger.”
“What made you change?”
“One night, I’d been in a fight, and I went to Sky’s house to clean up. I didn’t want my mom to see me like that. I woke her up in the middle of the night, and when she was helping me bandage my face, she started crying.”
I paused and looked at my food, remembering the sadness in Sky’s eyes that night. I peered up at Natasha, who was watching me.
“Sky’s dad used to beat her mom. That’s why she left him. Sky saw me that night, and I guess it brought back some bad memories. She made me promise, I’d get myself together. She said that Maurice never got the chance to change, and it was my responsibility to do it for him. She told me my mom didn’t deserve to lose both of her sons. And she was right.”
Natasha nodded. “Well, I’m glad she was able to convince you.”
She smiled a sad smile, and I knew it was because of Sky. Natasha would deny it, but I knew it still bothered her that another woman was such an important part of my life.
Sky and I had barely seen each other over the past few weeks. We’d only talked every few days, and even then, it was mostly over text. Sky was busy with Logan and navigating her new love life, and I was building a relationship with Natasha. I missed her, but I had to accept the way things were.
“Is Sky going to Maryland for Thanksgiving, too?”
I glanced over at Natasha because I knew she wouldn’t like my answer. “Yes. She and her mom eat with us every year.”
She nodded and looked down at her lap.
“Hey,” I said, lowering my head so she’d look at me.
“All of that is in the past. It’s what got me here, now, with you. Sky is my friend, and she always will be, but that has nothing to do with what we have.”
She grinned and I leaned over to kiss her lips.
“I love you,” she whispered, her long eyelashes lifting to reveal her bright eyes.
Guilt instantly filled my chest as I stared into her hopeful gaze. The weight of Natasha’s expectation was pressing in around me. I felt like I could love her. I thought of Sky and the impossibility of our relationship ever growing into anything more. Natasha was such a good woman, and she deserved to hear the words she wanted, so I gave them to her.
“I love you, too.”
Natasha seemed lighter after I’d told her I loved her. It was as if she’d been waiting for me to profess those words before she could be comfortable enough to really be herself around me. I understood it was always safer to keep your heart guarded until you were sure feelings were mutual, but I wished she had found that security on her own. Love rarely came without pain and sacrifice, but sometimes, you had to take the leap and hope it would all be worth it.
The following Sunday, Natasha surprised me by inviting Sky, Logan, TJ, and Matteo over for dinner. She went all out, preparing a Thanksgiving meal for all of us since we couldn’t be celebrating it together. Logan apparently wouldn’t be going to Maryland with Sky either.
“I can’t believe you’re doing all this,” I said while I washed a pan in the sink.
Natasha was doing all the cooking, but I’d insisted on helping.
She smiled as she mashed the potatoes in a pot. “It’s no big deal really. I just wanted us to have a meal together before we all left for the holiday.”
I finished rinsing the pan and set it aside to dry before wrapping my arms around Natasha from behind.
“It is a big deal. You planned this, and you’re doing all the work. I appreciate it. You’re the best,” I murmured, leaning down to kiss her neck.
She giggled and shrugged me off her. “I’ll never finish if you start that.”
“Mmm.” My hands roamed over the front of her apron and moved to her breasts, squeezing.
“Dillon Frazier, hands off!”
I chuckled and put my hands up as I backed away. She smiled at me over her shoulder.
“So, are you surprised that Sky and Logan are still dating?” Natasha asked as she scooped the mashed potatoes into a bowl.
I was caught off guard by the question. Walking toward the sink, I leaned my back against it. “Honestly? Yeah. I never expected them to make it past the first date.”
Natasha laughed. “Why not?”
“I don’t trust Logan, and Sky has never been big on commitment.”
“Well, maybe that’s why she likes Logan so much. They can be there for each other without the pressure of a commitment. He doesn’t seem so bad to me. I think he makes her happy.”
“I guess.”
“I watched a documentary on polyamory,” Natasha admitted as she busied herself with her next task.
I grinned and crossed my arms over my chest. “Did you? You aren’t interested in joining the movement, are you?”
“Oh God, no. I don’t like sharing.”
“Good to know,” I said with a grin. “So, what did you learn?”
“Some groups live together. A lot of polyamorists have a main spouse or primary spouse or whatever. Some are even married, and then they have other girlfriends or boyfriends, too. It’s like they invite other people into their relationship or sometimes even have separate relationships with people away from each other. I don’t know. It was all kind of confusing to me.”
I shrugged. “To each their own.”
“Do you think Logan is married? Or has a main girlfriend or something?”
“I don’t think he’s married, but I have no idea.”
“Sky hasn’t told you?”
/> “We don’t talk about her relationship with Logan much,” I said, turning my attention back to the sink.
I knew very little about Sky’s life these days, and it bothered me. I didn’t feel right, discussing her relationship with Natasha.
About an hour later, we were all seated around Natasha’s dining room table that was covered in a beautiful spread of Thanksgiving dinner—turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, corn, stuffing, and sweet potatoes.
“Holy shit,” Sky said, her eyes wide as she took everything in. “You did all of this by yourself?” She looked up at Natasha in amazement.
“Well, Dillon helped.”
“I washed dishes. Natasha did all the cooking,” I said, refusing to let her give me any credit. She wouldn’t let me help, even when I’d tried.
“It all looks so delicious. Thank you for inviting us,” Logan said, smiling at Natasha.
“Yeah, it was such a great idea and so sweet of you. I love your apartment by the way. It’s huge!” TJ told her as we all began to pass the food around.
TJ was right. Natasha’s apartment was big. She also had it decorated like it belonged in a magazine. She was very meticulous about her things and where they went.
“Oh, it’s nothing really,” Natasha said, passing me the basket of rolls.
We were all silent for a while as we plated and enjoyed our food.
“So, Logan, where will you be on Thanksgiving?” Natasha asked.
I peered over at her before looking at Sky. No one else noticed the way Sky’s shoulders got tight and how her chewing slowed for a fraction of a second, but I did.
“I’m going to Seattle.”
“Do you have family out there or…”
“No. I’m going with a…friend,” he said, glancing at Sky, who still hadn’t lifted her eyes from her food.
“Oh.” Natasha took a sip from her water.
I guessed that answered her question. I couldn’t help wondering where her newfound interest in Sky’s relationship was coming from. Does she feel threatened?
“What about you, TJ? What are you doing over Thanksgiving?” I asked, trying to give Sky a break.
“I’m staying here. My boss is a tyrant, and he has us working the Friday after.”
“Damn, that’s messed up,” Matteo muttered between bites.
“I know, right?”
Logan wiped his mouth with his napkin before asking, “What about you, Natasha?”
“I’m going to Florida to see my parents. I don’t get to see them much with work and everything, so it’ll be nice.”
“And warm,” TJ chimed in.
“Yes. I’m excited about that. I’m hoping to get Dillon down there one day,” she said, smiling at me.
“For sure,” I agreed, leaning over to kiss her.
When I pulled away, I felt Sky watching us, and I turned to face her. She blinked and dropped her gaze back to her plate. My eyebrows furrowed. Something was up with her. She was never this quiet.
“How are your sketches coming, Sky?” I asked.
She glanced at everyone around the table as they waited for her response. “They’re good.”
“She’s actually started selling some pieces in my friend’s store,” Logan said, smiling proudly at her.
She seemed to perk up a little as she grinned back at him. “Yeah, it’s been cool.”
“Really?” I asked, surprised she hadn’t told me.
Sky looked at me, but Logan answered, “Whitney says they’ve been flying off the racks. Sky can hardly keep up. It’s fantastic.”
Whitney. That must be one of his girlfriends.
“I keep telling Sky, she should leave Frederico and start her own line.”
“She should.” I might not like him, but I had to agree with Logan. I’d been telling Sky that for years.
“Maybe she’ll listen to you, Dillon. She doesn’t seem to believe me.”
“You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here,” Sky muttered before taking another bite of food.
“You’re right, babe. I’m sorry.” Logan leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Forgive me?”
I hated that he called her babe.
Sky gave him a weak smile and nodded before pecking him on the lips. She caught me watching them before she turned her attention to Natasha. “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Oh, sure. It’s the second door on the right.” Natasha pointed down the hallway.
Sky avoided my gaze as she stood from the table and made her way down the hall. She might be able to hide it from Logan and the rest of our friends, but I knew something was wrong. Sky was upset, and she was pretending to be fine. It bothered me that I didn’t know what it was.
I hated the fact that I couldn’t protect her, and with each passing day, the distance between us only seemed to grow.
I could hear everyone laughing in the other room as I stared at my face in Natasha’s bathroom mirror.
“Get it together, Sky,” I whispered before bending down and splashing water on my cheeks.
I had a hundred different thoughts and feelings spinning through my mind at once, and it was hard to act normal as we sat around, enjoying our pre-Thanksgiving feast.
The most disturbing thought was love. I’d been fighting it hard for the past couple of weeks, but there was no escaping it now. I could feel myself falling in love with Dillon. Or maybe I’d always been in love with him.
Who knows?
Either way, it didn’t matter. It was clear that he didn’t love me back, not the way I wanted him to. Seeing him and Natasha together in her perfect apartment only drove that truth home, like a stake through my heart.
And none of this was fair to Logan. Despite being in other relationships, Logan had been spending his free time with me. We’d spent hours talking and cuddling in bed every night. He’d even started going dog walking with me on the weekends. He accepted my craziness, and he knew how to do things with his tongue that I’d never thought were possible. I should have been falling in love with him instead or at least giving him a fair chance. He deserved it.
That was one of the reasons I’d agreed to attend my first sex party with him tonight. I was going to move forward and go all in. Logan had also brought it up after an hour of foreplay—a barrage of teasing, touching, and tasting. At that point, I would have agreed to rob a bank with him if he’d asked, and he knew it. After spending all that time getting me worked up, Logan had refused to make me come. He’d said he wanted to keep me in the mood and insisted I not wear any underwear for the rest of the night.
So, I’d shown up to Natasha’s with no underwear on and a lady boner the size of…
How big do lady boners get?
It was huge. Like, watching-Jason Momoa-do-pull-ups huge.
When we’d arrived at Natasha’s, I had been sexually frustrated and hungry. I’d felt like a cavewoman ready to devour everything in sight. I’d been ready to go to that sex party and impress all my new polyamorous friends. Until Natasha had asked Logan where he was going for Thanksgiving. That question was like a bucket of ice water that she’d dumped all over my libido. Logan was going to be with Whitney and her family.
Once my brain had started functioning normally again, I’d also noticed the way Dillon was acting. It was like he was playing house with Natasha. His hair was neater, he was clean-shaven, and he didn’t even have a single stain on his shirt. It was like Natasha was sucking the soul right out of him, and I hated it. That’s right. I’d said it. I hated it.
Someone knocked on the door, and I quickly wiped my face with one of Natasha’s perfectly folded hand towels. I opened the door, and Dillon was standing on the other side.
He suspiciously peered down at me. “What’s going on with you?”
His brown eyes narrowed. “You’re a horrible liar.”
“Yeah, well, you’re a horrible dresser.”
It was a weak comeback, but I wasn’
t on my game.
I went to push past him, but he moved to block my path. “Talk to me, Sky.”
“Dillon, I’m good.” I stubbornly raised my eyebrows.
There was no way I was going to talk to Dillon about any of this.
He watched me a little longer before reluctantly giving in and moving. I knew he wouldn’t let me avoid him forever, but he also didn’t want to make a scene in his girlfriend’s pristine apartment.
Logan was staring at me with ravenous eyes as I walked back to the table. He was clearly still horny and didn’t realize I was having second thoughts. I was hoping I could get back on board and ready for a sex party sometime before we finished dessert. I knew this was important to him. He’d been getting pressure from Whitney to spend more time with her and the rest of their friends. His other girlfriend, Sasha, was supposed to be there tonight, too. It would be my first time meeting her. She’d returned from Alabama just a few days ago. Like I didn’t have enough to stress over.
When I sat down, Logan put his hand on my leg, his fingers curling around my inner thigh. “Almost time for dessert,” he whispered.
“Mmhmm,” I muttered before taking a big gulp of my white wine.
I finished my food, avoiding Logan’s and Dillon’s stares, all while pretending to be my usual carefree and jovial self. It was exhausting.
“Well, it looks like it’s time for dessert,” Natasha said cheerily as she stood up from the table.
“Let me help.”
Dillon moved to get up, but I beat him to it.
“No! I got it.”
I stood up so fast, my chair almost fell backward, and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me.
I glanced around the table. “What? I want to help.”
TJ shrugged and continued her conversation with Matteo as Dillon stared holes into my head.
Natasha’s confused expression relaxed. “Well, thanks.”
“No problem.”
I started collecting the dirty dishes from the table and carried them to Natasha’s kitchen. I washed every dish by hand, ignoring everyone’s offer to help or take over. I even skipped dessert, and I loved pumpkin pie.